Δευτέρα 14 Αυγούστου 2023

Dangerous Youngers


what else to say about science,theology etc when main failure is in front !?!!!


And what if dangerours youngsters own state !!!

...more basically and i wanted to declare that visible....

You know what is interested!!..fact?

The expansion on games and reality.

So before many year russian came a little down (of cource they killed and the being killed)

Now as usa they declare new states with mama Russia and Papa Italiano(or greek)

Now if they fight with mama Russia (as OY-KRANA did)

and after they will also ask some mercenaries for their -notice the amazing-

..for their expansion...!!!

Meaning yes !!!...they can continiuslly fighting with mama ,,expanding (as not mama)

(continususlly over long term time !...imagine this!)

(and doing like main bastards-from its design- did...when they expanded on America,trators of europe and mama russia)

and after excusing to mama and papa....

And thats life....

North and south goes center and opposite till they(after we) become more bastards...


And women?...Approved their brain wikiness !!!!(from all races) 

And we are dead just we dont know it!!!!...as planetary society.

Lies ..lies ,,,,blame others etc ...dogs in a planet with metal transformations!!!



(continususlly over long term time !...imagine this!)

Like some bastards speak as they are greek and for Greece

as they are germans for german (like non blonde Hitler did)

Imagine all that continuslly over planetary time !!!!-for strong users only!