So, expanding with Horns saves 902-508=394 / 4 factories (with 3 first expansions)
394/4=98.5 ~=100 and with each factory wants 8 hours for 10 goods
100/10=10 *8hours = so SAVING 3 days and 8 hours.
Strategy 1 ,3 exp with Axles ,3 exp with Meads ,and the rest with Horns...
(6/6 for onother city note-took 3 exp Axles And 4 exp Horns????)
Example of 7,5 days with 5 expansions not need !!!
19 june
Example of 8 days...made mistake three times not gotheriung enough coins and build too soon the MANY factories....so even if i had luck(x4) no coin to continue and spened time ...
27 June 18:00
05 July 12:00 no clans at all(no markets)
7 days,~18 hours (timer doint start at 15 days...next start 13_21)
7 days,2 hours(coold sooner)
7days,10 hours
An old example
Entering with 5.000 coins, build 2 Factories put x 4 hours(5) = 10 -2.000 coins
bye 2 exp(1+5=6-10 income) remains 4 Axles , 3 Factories x4 hours again
(plus 1 hour till output of 3rd)
take 10 more Axles ,delete 2 Factories unlock Shrines and wait
........... >1 more hour for the 3rd to finish
Main lesson for FOE architecture: Push back homes if you hit 5 minutes/....1 hour....
This example easy to schedule until unlock Horns for bye all expansions with only Horns .
(Each playthrough is different)
Shedule for 40.000 coins
-Throw Shrines build 4 Axles Factories.
-4 Axle Factories *8 hour = 40 Axles (-8000 coins)
-4 Axle Factories *8 hour = 40 Axles (-8000 coins)
-Throw 2 Axle Factories unlock and build 2 Meads.
-2 Axle F * 4 hour = 10 Axles + 2 Mead F * 4 hour = 10 Meads (-4000 coins)
-Throw 2 Axle Factories unlock and build 2 Meads.
-4 Mead Factories *8 hour = 40 Meads (-8000 coins)
-4 Mead Factories *4 hour = 20 Meads (-4000 coins)
-Throw all ,unlock Horns build 4 Horns
-4 Horn Factories *4 hour = 20 Horn (-4000 coins)
-Bye 3 expansions ...put Shrines-Houses
-4 Horn Factories *4 hour = 20 Horn (-4000 coins)
-----1 and half day....Continue expanding ALL....
After ~19 hours from Shrines 36.711
+1,5 days our schedule * ~5 house income(93/4 hours) > 40.000
Ok,deleted 2 Axle factories, builded some Shrines&Runes for diplomacy,unlocked Meads,deleted Shrines&Runs and build 2 Mead Factories.(Axles will work for 4 hours more to take 10 Axles)
Just after 4 hours finish gothering Axles and build 2 more Meads
Ok..done ready for Horns.here i was lucky because i took x4 Meads (on 5 order)=20 Meads.
So i didnt just build 4 Horn Factories but also 4 Shrines (bought 2 expansions with Meads.
... but this was not so efficient..maybe..)
From now on expanding with Horns and depends on the state of coins.
If not have coins (for next order in XX Horn Factories)
........then use new expansions for Shrines.
If have coins then 1 hour before Horn factories finish
a)erase some Shrines ,
b)build 1? horn factory (with the squeres freed up)
c)so when the other factories finish ,,,the new are ready(to be all synchronized)
d)reorder again Horns
e)use Horns just came to bye expansions and build Shrines (and houses)
Same process till all expansions
And in the same time doing all above...we must replace some (not all) SHUCKS with HUTS.
Below we see that after i build 1 HUT i sold 5 Shuts and 1 Shrine just for an hour
in order to build 2 more HUTS..(we want some shucks to fill space)
Now preparing for build as expand...
Now suddenly sold almost all Shrines (i had gother ~25.000 coins) and now 11 factories
but ..just for till finishing coins...After..back to shrines.
Expansion 62 coming and remains 3 (69,76.82)
Coming Horns for the last expansion and will start gothering ALL required horns -10 ...
..but i am late...
Anyway...failed to finish in 7 days but i have done it...so i will create a new post.
(i think i know what i did wrong here...and also was not my main server...)
below we see that in the end we must have 2 each factories...
15 days -(6 days+14hours-2,5 hours)=15-6.5=
8.5 days .......instead of SEVEN....but gifts are ok...(drasil level plus all fragments)